There are 3 basic rules in my classroom: * Be prepared and on time. * Be respectful. * Always do your best.
I believe that these 3 rules cover just about everything that we do in 6th grade. Yes, we will have certain procedural rules, but that would fall under the "be respectful", and "do your best".
If there is a concern that I have with your student, I will talk with the student and/ or will send a brief email home concerning the matter. If there is a serious issue, a phone call/email home will be made or a penalty hall will be given.
There are no assignment books this year. Instead, students will be using Edmodo calendars and HAC to keep parents informed. Students will be checking HAC daily and updating their Edmodo calendars.
Parents- We need you to check HAC weekly. Friday's after school are great times to check. to make sure your son or daughter has kept up with their weekly assignments.
As we see fit, Mrs. Tillman and I will be assigning ZAPs ( zeros aren't permitted) on Fridays from 2:30 -6 pm to help encourage students to complete any missing assignments.
We hope that with daily HAC checks, missing assignments will be few and far between!