What if... Food Web Activity- Hour 3
During this activity, the class will be divided and assigned to 1 of 8 Food Web groups. You and your group will be given 5 minutes to study the food web and answer the thought provoking "What if...?" question about that food web and ecosystem. After your group has decided upon a response, click on the correct Food Web "Wall" below and type in a response to the question using the "post it" method. Make sure you enter all of your first names onto your group response. Also, do not post your response on top of another group's response. You may not respond with the same answer as a previous group, however, you may build upon their response. Take turns so that everyone in the group has an opportunity to do the typing. Stay focused and think hard, because after 5 minutes, you will move onto the next food web until you have complete all 8 "What if...?" questions from this activity.