Journal Writing will be graded as 2 pts. per entry. The entry needs to be written in a "civilized" manner (Capital letters and end marks) as well as reflect the amount of time that was given to think and write. (A half page would be minimum in all cases)
2013-14 Journal Topics by Number
Quarter 1
1. My First Day of Junior High
2. 2 Days Later...
3.Can you believe it?
4. Rules
5. Would you rather mute a teacher or mute another student? Why?
6. Oh... what a weekend...
7. I am unique because...
8. 10 Adjectives that describe you
9. Describe your best friend. Do not use any names.
10. I want to be remembered for...
11. 3 Rhyming couplets about something you love. Underline adjectives
12. Choice... Free Choice
13. # 13... Lucky or Not?
14. Write 3 couplets describing October.
15. If I could be anything, anyone, or anywhere... I would be.
16. The Best Day Ever1
17. Choice... Free Choice
18. If I were Brian Robeson(Hatchet)
19. If I had to choose only one item to take with me to a deserted island, it would be
20. What if... (10 lines of What if's")
21.Boy... Do I have a story to tell...
__________________________________ Quarter 2__________________________
22. "Practice Makes Perfect!
23. Your Choice- Count lines after finished in 15 minutes.
24. 5 similes and 2 metaphors that describe you.
25. Alliteration alphabet... 3 of same sound for each
26. TOP 10 things to be thankful for...
27. If I were a shadow child, how would you feel?
28. Thanksgiving Traditions
29. All I want for Christmas..
30. 12 Days of Christmas - Your version
31. Your Grown up Christmas wish...
32. Dear 2014- Write a letter to your "personal friend", 2014.
33. Write a claim and 3 supportive sentences for that claim. The Best thing about Winter
34. Dear Winter... Write a letter to Winter 2014!
35. Free Choice
1. My First Day of Junior High
2. 2 Days Later...
3.Can you believe it?
4. Rules
5. Would you rather mute a teacher or mute another student? Why?
6. Oh... what a weekend...
7. I am unique because...
8. 10 Adjectives that describe you
9. Describe your best friend. Do not use any names.
10. I want to be remembered for...
11. 3 Rhyming couplets about something you love. Underline adjectives
12. Choice... Free Choice
13. # 13... Lucky or Not?
14. Write 3 couplets describing October.
15. If I could be anything, anyone, or anywhere... I would be.
16. The Best Day Ever1
17. Choice... Free Choice
18. If I were Brian Robeson(Hatchet)
19. If I had to choose only one item to take with me to a deserted island, it would be
20. What if... (10 lines of What if's")
21.Boy... Do I have a story to tell...
__________________________________ Quarter 2__________________________
22. "Practice Makes Perfect!
23. Your Choice- Count lines after finished in 15 minutes.
24. 5 similes and 2 metaphors that describe you.
25. Alliteration alphabet... 3 of same sound for each
26. TOP 10 things to be thankful for...
27. If I were a shadow child, how would you feel?
28. Thanksgiving Traditions
29. All I want for Christmas..
30. 12 Days of Christmas - Your version
31. Your Grown up Christmas wish...
32. Dear 2014- Write a letter to your "personal friend", 2014.
33. Write a claim and 3 supportive sentences for that claim. The Best thing about Winter
34. Dear Winter... Write a letter to Winter 2014!
35. Free Choice